Role Based Support


System Role


Corresponding Job Titles

Project Roles

Design Engineer

A DE is responsible for creating and modifying parts in the system, including conducting a Pre-Release process for parts that require CAD specifications, working with EBOMs, and conducting change control through the use of an Engineering Change (EC).

  • Illustrator

  • Graphic Artist

  • Packaging Engineer

Design Engineer

Manufacturing Engineer

The ME modifies, reviews, and promotes parts, BOMs, specifications, and ECs.

The role is also needed to distribute parts to SAP.


Manufacturing Engineer

Component Engineer

Designs PCBAs, and specifies components and MEPs for them.  Uploads ECAD BOMs and specifications from Mentor Graphics.  Creates MEPs using PartMiner.


Manufacturing Engineer

Cost Analyst

Creates, edits, and revises part costs.  Generates cost reports.



EC Analyst

Manages ECs on behalf of other users.  Creates sellable items and product configurations.  Connects product configurations to machine type models, product models, and other product configurations that they support.


EC Analyst

Product Manager

Introduces new products to the business.  Creates sellable items.  Creates product configurations, promotes them, and connects them to supporting materials.

  • Product Manager

  • Product Planner


Service Engineer

Creates parts with an identity of FRU or CRU, or assigns those identities to existing parts.


Design Engineer

Supplier Engineer

Creates and revises parts and specifications.  Works ECs.

  • Development Partner

Supplier Engineer

Warranty Manager

Creates warranty parts and changes the type of parts to/from warranties.  

The Product Manager role is also required to create sellable warranties.