System Role |
Responsibility |
Corresponding Job Titles |
Project Roles |
A DE is responsible for creating and modifying parts in the system, including conducting a Pre-Release process for parts that require CAD specifications, working with EBOMs, and conducting change control through the use of an Engineering Change (EC).
Design Engineer | |
The ME modifies, reviews, and promotes parts, BOMs, specifications, and ECs. The role is also needed to distribute parts to SAP. |
Manufacturing Engineer | |
Designs PCBAs, and specifies components and MEPs for them. Uploads ECAD BOMs and specifications from Mentor Graphics. Creates MEPs using PartMiner. |
Manufacturing Engineer | |
Creates, edits, and revises part costs. Generates cost reports. |
| |
Manages ECs on behalf of other users. Creates sellable items and product configurations. Connects product configurations to machine type models, product models, and other product configurations that they support. |
EC Analyst | |
Introduces new products to the business. Creates sellable items. Creates product configurations, promotes them, and connects them to supporting materials. |
| |
Creates parts with an identity of FRU or CRU, or assigns those identities to existing parts. |
Design Engineer | |
Creates and revises parts and specifications. Works ECs. |
Supplier Engineer | |
Creates warranty parts and changes the type of parts to/from warranties. The Product Manager role is also required to create sellable warranties. |