Parts & BOMs

  Part Identity

Part Identity is required to be set at creation.


A collection of parts that fit together to form a self-contained unit.  They are typically constrained relative to each other.  Should have a BOM.


An individual part.  Cannot have a BOM.


Customer Replaceable Unit:  A CRU is a packaged part that can be replaced by a customer. A supply is not a CRU; a supply is depleted over time. A CRU wears or breaks over time.


Field Replaceable Unit:  A FRU is a packaged part that is repaired/replaced by a field service person.  A replaceable part in a machine is not a FRU.


A collection of parts that are typically unconstrained relative to each other. A Group can be inventoried.  Examples: Pubs Kit or a Parts Pack within a FRU.

Made From

A processed version of a component. The BOM needs to include the component as it exists before processing.  These have formerly been known by a variety of names including CBM, combined bill of materials, and "see bill of materials.”  Examples: a rubber coated shaft, a pad printed logo on a cover, labels.


A virtual part that represents a collection of parts for scheduling, planning or change management.  It cannot be inventoried, nor have a work order on it.  

Returned Item

A unique part used to represent the returned version of a FRU or CRU after the broken/worn replaceable part is taken out of the machine and sent back.

When a part is designated as a Returned Item, the Returned Reason must be set:

  • EFA = Engineering Failure Analysis (used when Engineering wants the broken part returned so they can analyze why it failed)

  • UPR = Used Part Returned (used when a FRU, typically high-dollar, can be repaired and recertified and sold as a new FRU)

The Original Part that was returned to create this new part must be designated.

Sales Phantom

Typically a virtual part to be used in SAP nested SBOMs in special cases.

Sellable Item

A part that can be sold to a customer for a price. A Sellable Item can contain another Sellable Item.

Semi-Configured Item

A functional item that is not sellable to a customer under the current part number because it requires additional materials and/or customization to become sellable. It generally consists of a base level item and some amount of packaging.

For hardware, formerly known as ”P2”. For Supplies formerly known as "SWE Cartridge".


Product Hierarchy Connections

Sellable -- Connect with Product Configuration

Sellable part Identities connect to Product Models in the Product Hierarchy through a Product Configuration:

Direct Connection

The following part Identities require direct connection to a Product Model without a Product Configuration:

Orderable Reason

The following part Identities may connect to the Product Hierarchy for Orderable Reason: