
  Create a Part Cost

Costs are created:

The Cost Analyst ENOVIA system role is required to create a cost.

Multiple costs may be created or updated at once using the Cost Import Template.


To create a cost:

  1. On the part Cost page, click on the page tool bar and select Create New. . . .


  1. On the EBOM PowerView, Flat BOM tab, View: Costs, right click on the parent or any child part in the BOM and select Create Cost on the pop up, context menu.

The part: Create Part Cost window displays.

  1. Enter the following details:

Cost Attribute fields



Enter a description of this cost.

Cost Provider

The default is Lexmark. If the cost comes from a source outside of Lexmark, click to search for and select a supplier / partner / contract manufacturer / vendor.


This field is mainly used to assign a Cost Family to identify costs by project. Parts may be used across multiple projects. Different projects may create their own estimates or get different part costs from a single Cost Provider as a result of varying quantities, or fluctuating material and labor costs.

  • The use of Cost Family in the Location/Subsupplier field identifies costs that were created for a specific project and that should only be rolled up, modified, or revised by that project.

  • If your project requires different costs for different locations or subsuppliers of a Cost Provider, contact the PLM Support Hotline.

Location Type

  • If this is the first part cost, choose Default.

  • A part can only have one Default cost location.

  • All other cost locations for that part must be Alternate.

Cost Value Type

The type is an identifying cost attribute:

  • Target

  • Estimate

  • Quoted

  • Working

  • Actual

A cost of a particular type may be revised. For a different type, create a new cost. See Cost Value Types more information.

Production Make Buy Code

Select how the part is procured:

  • Make: The part is made or assembled for Lexmark.

  • Buy: The part is purchased or procured complete (sets ICIR, below, to No).

Include Children in Rollup

Often called ICIR.

Determine if the costs of BOM children are summed into the part cost:

  • Yes

  • No

When Production Make Buy Code = Buy, ICIR automatically sets to No.

Different costs for the same part may have different ICIR settings. For example, a subassembly may be ICIR = Yes on the cost relative to the supplier who builds it. But when that subassembly is rolled up into the cost of a printer at another supplier, the ICIR might be No.

Item Material Cost

  • Set to raw material cost for Make

  • Set to finished product cost for Buy

Item Freight Cost


Item Labor Hours


Item Labor Cost


Item Variable Cost


Item Fixed Cost


Item Adjusted Cost


Adjusted Cost Description

Enter the reason for the adjustment.






Selling, General, and Administrative expense

Taxes and Profit





Third Party Logistics





Management Fees



Manufacturing Value Add


Vendor Managed Inventory

  1. Click Done.

The page redisplays, showing the new cost.

The cost name is concatenated from the part name, part revision, cost value type, cost provider, and location/subsupplier (cost family).

Click the Name link to view the cost Properties page. See View Part Costs for more information.