Routes & Tasks

  Add Tasks and Routes

ECs and Info Trackers may require the addition of Tasks.

On the Lifecycle page, Approvals/Tasks tab, the Owner/Originator may:

On the Routes page, the Owner/Originator may:

Lifecycle Page

The Lifecycle page, Approvals/Tasks tab, offers two options for managing work flows.

During Task/Route creation, the user may select to apply the new Task/Route to any ongoing or future lifecycle state.

Add Task:

  1. Click the left button on the Approvals/Tasks tab of the EC or Info Tracker Lifecycle page.

The Add Approvers window displays.

  1. Apply settings or enter information in the required fields:

  1. Click Done to create the Task and close the window (click Apply to create the Task and leave the window open to create more Tasks).

Add from Template:

  1. Click the right button on the Approvals/Tasks tab of the EC or Info Tracker Lifecycle page.

The Add Route Template window displays.

  1.  Click next to the field for the Lifecycle state in which you wish to add the Route.

The Search window displays with a default Type of Route Template, displaying all system route templates.

  1. Enter search criteria for the Name of the Route Template.

You may use the wild cards, " * " with search criteria, to view a narrower list of Route Templates.

  1. Click .

  1. Use the radio buttons to select a Route Template.

  2. Click Submit.

The selected Route Template is displayed in the appropriate field of the Add Route Template window.

You may repeat these steps for other lifecycle states.

  1. Click Done.

The new Route is displayed for the appropriate state on the Approvals/Tasks tab of the Lifecycle page.

The Route automatically starts if the Route was created for the current lifecycle state and if no Task assignments are required.

Routes Tab

The Routes tab, on the Lifecycle page, menu, offers three options for adding work flows.

During Task/Route creation, the user may select to apply the new Task/Route to any ongoing or future lifecycle state.


Create Route Wizard

The Create Route Wizard includes the context EC or Info Tracker on the Step 1 of 4: Specify Details page, under Content.

Create Simple Route

The Create Simple Route window includes the context EC or Info Tracker under Content.

Manage Route Approvals

The Manage Route Approvals window allows the user to view and remove existing routes at the various lifecycle states, and provides the same functionality as the Add from Template button on the Tasks tab.