The Product Configuration Import Template is an Excel spreadsheet that in one operation creates multiple Product Configurations and connects them to the child parts and parent product models.
The Product Manager or EC Analyst role is required to import Product Configurations.
The Product Configuration Import Template spreadsheet has columns for part, product model, and other Product Configuration attributes.
Once the data is entered into the template, save the file under a new name and see Product Configuration Import Procedure.
To ensure you are working with the latest version, download the template from ENOVIA each time you import Product Configurations.
Upon importation the new Product Configurations are automatically added to a new Collection, named according to the current date and time.
This Collection may be used to access the Product Configuration and Region Grid for assigning Product Regions to all the imported Product Configurations in one step.
As ENOVIA functionality evolves, the template is updated with fields for new attributes, etc.
Be sure to use the latest, fully functional version of the template, which is always available in ENOVIA.
To locate and download the latest version:
You may click this link, Product Configuration Import Template, to open a new browser window and directly access the template.
In ENOVIA you may search for "Product Configuration Import Template" in the Name field or Title field.
The various import templates used in ENOVIA are in a Collection in the Collaboration and Approvals App > My Tools > Import Templates. . . .
The column headers of the Product Configuration Import Template are colored coded:
Red are Required attributes.
Green are Optional attributes.
Product Configuration Attribute Fields |
Description |
Child Part |
Required. Must precisely match an existing Part Name with an Identity of Sellable Item, CRU, or FRU.
Part Name formats:
Parent Product Model |
Required Must match an existing Product Model Name.
Material Description Additional Text |
Optional Currently only used for Product Configurations in the Services, Service Parts, and Warranties Product Lines to augment the automatically-generated Material Description. |
Description |
Optional If blank, defaults to the "Title + Type + Identity*" of the Product Configuration child part. * The Identity is only included if it equals FRU or CRU, not Sellable Item. |
Machine Type Model |
Optional Establishes link between the new Product Configuration and its Machine Type Model (if required):
Voltage |
Optional If the Product Configuration is Regulated, the value must be:
If the Product Configuration is not Regulated, the value can be:
Optional May only be populated for non-Lexmark Product Configurations.
If blank, the field remains blank for non-Lexmark Product Configurations or for Lexmark Product Configurations that do not require a UPC.
TAA Compliant |
Optional Values are:
Sales Intent |
Optional Values are:
Purpose |
Optional Values are:
Owner |
Optional Must match the shortname of an ENOVIA user.
If blank, defaults to the context user.