EDI and PreRelease


PreRelease in TeamCenter applies PreRelease status to the TeamCenter revision and uploads to ENOVIA the official release source documentation for an EC.


The ENOVIA part CAD Spec receives:

To upload pre-production data to ENOVIA, in the part CAD Spec, with optional file formats in CAD Derived, see EDI.


See Un-PreRelease to properly remove the PreRelease status.

Stacked ECs and PreRelease

For Stacked ECs:

Perform PreRelease

  1. Create a Part in ENOVIA or note the existing part name and revision for which you wish PreRelease.

  2. Create the same part number in NX and save it in TeamCenter.

  1. On the TeamCenter LXKItem Revision Master form, in the PRL field, enter the ENOVIA part revision to receive the files.

  1. In the TeamCenter drop-down menus, select File > New > Workflow Process.

  1. In the New Process Dialog window, use the Process Template drop-down list to select MatrixPrerelease.

  1. Click OK in the New Process Dialog window.

If any TeamCenter PrerRelease checks are not met, you will get an error.

If the initial checks pass, a yellow hourglass icon marks the revision in TeamCenter.

After successful upload to ENOVIA, TeamCenter (after refreshing) marks the revision with a green flag icon .

In ENOVIA, the PDF and JT files are in the CAD Spec container.