In an EC, Routes are used to disseminate information and to collect comments and approvals.
The Lexmark EC policy is designed with Routes that are automatically triggered in certain lifecycle states.
During EC creation, Route Templates may be added at any lifecycle state to automatically generate a route that must be completed for EC promotion.
The EC owner also may include ad hoc routes after EC creation (see Add Tasks and Routes) to automate other EC work flows.
EC Dependencies automatically create routes to indicate when the promotion of an EC can not proceed until another EC is Complete.
These routes are automatically completed by the system when the dependency is resolved.
An EC always requires a Review route.
A Review route is automatically launched in the EC Review lifecycle state.
Review routes are created from one or more project Route Templates connected in the EC Reviewer List field.
The Review route automatically promotes the EC when it is completed.
Manual promotion of the EC in the Review state is not permitted.
An EC that has the Validation Required set to Yes requires an Approval route.
An EC with Validation Required = Yes takes the long lifecycle path through the Formal Approval state, where the Approval route is triggered.
Manual promotion of the EC in the Formal Approval state is not permitted.
An EC with Validation Required = No bypasses this lifecycle state.
See EC Lifecycle.