Routes & Tasks

  Create a Route Template

  1. Navigate to a project Route Templates page (only a project owner or lead can create route templates for a project),


  1. Select Collaboration and Approvals App > Routes > Route Templates.

The Route Templates page displays.

  1. Click Actions > Create New on the page tool bar.

On the project Route Templates page, only project owners and leads will see Create New.

The Step 1 of 4: Specify Details window displays.

  1. Enter required fields:




Enter a name for the route.

Check AutoName to let the system name the route.


Enter a meaningful Description for the route template.


Select Personal or Projects / Organizations:

  • For ECs, only route templates available to the particular project may be used.

  • After selecting Projects / Organizations, click the Browse/Choose button, click expand for ProjectSpace, and select from a list of projects in which you are an owner/lead.

Route Base Purpose

Route Base Purpose determines the types of tasks in the route:

  • Approval -- The route includes only tasks that require the assignee's approval.

  • Review -- The route includes only tasks that require the assignee's comment.

  • Standard -- The route can include tasks that require the assignee's approval or comment or tasks intended only for notification or information.

Route Task Edits

Select the editing ability for the route owner:

  • Modify/Delete Task list is the default. It allows the owner of a route created from this template to change or delete any tasks and add new ones.

  • ExtendTaskList allows the owner of a route created from this template to change the content of tasks and add new tasks.

  • ModifyTaskList allows the owner of a route created from this template to change the content and order of tasks and add new ones.

  • MaintainExactTaskList allows the owner of a route created from this template to change the content of the tasks only.

Route Completion Action

Select the action taken when the route completes:

  • Notify Route Owner

  • Promote Connected Object

  1. Click Next.

The Step 2 of 4: Select Route Template Assignees window displays.

  1. Click on the page tool bar.

  2. Select Add People.

Other options include Add People by Project, Add Role, Add Group, and Add Member List.

  1. Search for and select a person and click Done in the Select People window.

  2. Repeat to add more people.

  3. Set each person's route access using the Access column pull down list.

This access level is for the route only and not for the content. Groups and roles are added to the route with Read access.

  1. Click Next.

The Step 3 of 4: Define Route Tasks window displays.

  1. Define tasks for each member with a time frame to complete each assignment.

Route Base Purpose determines the types of tasks in the route

Allow Delegation:  the assignee can delegate the task to another person.

Requires Owner Review:  When the task is complete, the route owner is notified. The owner must enter a comment and then promote or demote it. The next task in the route is not created until the current task is promoted. Demoting changes the task state back to Assigned and the assignee must complete the task again based on the comment. When a task is demoted, the owner can reassign it to someone else.

  1. Click Next .

The Step 4 of 4: Action Required window displays.

  1. Set the Action Required field to determine if All tasks must be finished to complete the route or if Any will complete the route.

NOTE:     If an Order of completion was set on the previous screen, this screen shows the task sequence with no selectable options. The default is All.

  1. Click Done.

The Route Template displays on the list page on which you created it.

In the Properties window the State is Inactive. To use the route template, you must activate the route template.

  1. Right click on the new route template and select Promote,


  1. Click on the route template Name to open in a new window.

  2. Click on the page tool bar.

The Route Template State is Active.