Rules on part promotion can prevent an EC from advancing to Complete state, even when conditions for promotion within a particular EC appear satisfied:
If Release of a part in an EC violates the part promotion rules, the EC can not reach Complete state.
In ENOVIA previously, an EC might reach Complete state temporarily, only to be demoted until the part dependencies were resolved.
The cause of the EC failure was not always clear nor simple to diagnose.
New ENOVIA functionality checks parts at EC promotion to Review state for the most common part dependencies that may cause EC failure.
If the EC can not Release all parts without action on another EC, a Dependency Route linking the two ECs is created :
The Dependency Route blocks the current EC from promoting until the linked EC is Complete.
Completion of the linked EC, with the part(s) that must be promoted first, automatically completes the Dependency Route, and allows the dependent EC to advance.
An Assembly cannot be promoted further in its Lifecycle than the earliest state of any of its child Assemblies or Components. See EBOM Rules.
At EC Review state, all connected parts must be in Review.
For a parent part to promote to Review, all child parts must already be connected to an EC and in Review state or higher.
When an EC with a parent part promotes to Review, if a child part on another EC is not yet Released, an EC Dependency Route is created.
A part revision in Approved state can be revised again.
Stacked ECs require that the earlier part revision be Released before the later revision.
When the EC with the later part revision promotes to Review, if the previous part revision on another EC is not yet Released, an EC Dependency Route is created.
A part with a Part Specification can not be promoted further in its Lifecycle than the state of the Part Specification.
Most often, a part and part specification are on the same EC.
When an EC with a part associated with a Part Specification promotes to Review, if the Part Specification on another EC is not yet Released, an EC Dependency Route is created.
The Dependency Route generates a Task displayed on the Lifecycle page, Approvals/Tasks tab, of both related ECs.
The Task is on the Review state of the dependent EC and the Complete state of the linked EC with the part(s) that must promote first.
The Task Title is System Alert: EC Dependency!.
The Assignee is LXK ShadowAgent, which means the Task is completed by ENOVIA, not by a user.
The dependent EC is blocked from further promotion at the Review state.
The dependent EC Review route may be completed, but that EC promotion is held up until the linked EC is Complete, which automatically completes the Dependency Route.
The System Alert: EC Dependency! Task for the linked EC, with the part(s) that must be promoted first, is Awaiting Approval in the Complete state.
LXK ShadowAgent automatically Approves the Task when this EC is Complete and the parts are Released.
The dependent EC promotion is no longer blocked.
The dependent EC automatically promotes to the next Lifecycle state if, or when, the Review route is complete.