Manufacturer Equivalent Parts

  Manufacturer Equivalent Part Overview

Manufacturer Equivalent Parts (MEPs) are used in ENOVIA to designate a supplier Company for a Lexmark Enterprise part.

If the supplier Company does not have its own part name/number for the Lexmark Enterprise part:

Creating an MEP for a part with a Company does not automatically grant the Company access to the part.

Defining MEP


Certain part Types, including many electrical part Types, require a Defining MEP:

These Defining MEPs require demotion, the creation of a CAD Spec with a file, and promotion back to Release state before a new revision of a connected Enterprise Part may be promoted out of Preliminary state.

Senior Component Engineer role in ENOVIA is required to add a CAD Spec to a Release state MEP.

Call the PLM Hotline for assistance with Release state Defining MEPs that require a Cad Spec with a file.

Not Required:

Enterprise part Types that do not require a Defining MEP do not automatically have a Defining MEP assigned when an MEP is created, but may have one assigned.