Begin filling the required fields after importing the Tab-Delimited text file, provided by Lexmark with the Material Declaration request, into the Material Content Declaration Form.
After importation, the Material Content Declaration Form should be pre-populated with general request information, parts, and standard materials.
Some required fields will accept an entry of "N/A" for "Not Applicable".
Before using the form, review the Overview, License Terms, and Quick Reference tabs.
This tab is completed with pre-populated data.
All the columns with Bold headers should be complete with required data.
This tab may not be edited.
Click when to ensure the required fields are filled in the correct format.
The Part Tree tab should be complete with pre-populated data.
These are the parts/BOMs for which Lexmark is requesting Material Declaration.
Parts made up of material and subparts may require the addition of a row with a 'container' subpart(s) used to list the material(s).
The tab includes non-required columns for data that may apply to certain parts.
Enter this data as needed.
Click when finished to ensure the required fields are properly filled in the correct format.
Enter and define custom materials on the Materials tab.
This tab will not be pre-populated.
Whenever possible use the Lexmark Standard Materials listed on the Standard Materials tab.
Enter each custom material in a row of the worksheet.
Enter the substances that make up the material in rows below each custom material (add rows as needed).
A Substance may not be entered in the same row as a Material.
Buttons are provided on the worksheet to insert rows before or after the current row.
The Substance Name and CAS Number columns open a Choose Substance selection window with a list of possible substances with CAS numbers.
The substances may be sorted by CAS or Substance Name and may be searched.
Double click to select a substance.
The RoHS Exemption column opens a Choose RoHS Exemption window to choose a reason for a substance to be RoHS exempt, where applicable.
Fill in all required and other applicable fields for the custom materials and component substances.
Click when finished to ensure the required fields are properly filled in the correct format.
The Part Detail tab will be pre-populated with the 'leaf parts' -- child parts with no sub-parts -- that require material reporting.
Each part has a blank row beneath it for the material information.
A Material may not be entered in the same row as a Part.
Buttons are provided on the worksheet to insert rows before or after the current row.
Enter the material(s) that make up a part in a row below the part (add rows as needed).
The Material Name column opens a Choose Material selection window with lists of Standard Materials and Custom Materials on separate tabs.
The materials may be sorted by Name, Tradename, or Manufacturer and may be searched.
The Custom Materials tab in the Choose Material selection window is populated with your custom materials after the Material tab of the workbook is completed.
Double click to select a material.
Fill in all required and other applicable fields for the materials that make up each leaf part on the Part Detail worksheet.
Click when finished to ensure the required fields are properly filled.
If all parts are compliant, you will be prompted to Certify and Export Material Declaration Data.
If any parts are non-compliant, that is if any parts utilize a material that contains a Substance of Concern in an amount above the allowable threshold, you are required to complete the Substance of Concern Detail tab.
This tab is provided as a reference.
Any material used that is not listed here must be documented on the Materials tab and then selected on the Custom Materials list when completing the Part Detail tab.
Saleable parts that contain a Substance of Concern in an amount above the allowable threshold are automatically listed here after the other tabs are completed.
Data entry on this tab is not required if no parts listed on the Part Detail tab contain a Substance of Concern above the allowable threshold.
For parts on this tab, fill in the required fields with information on replacing the non-compliant parts with compliant parts.
Click when finished to endure the required fields are properly filled.
If the worksheet is validated, you will be prompted to Certify and Export Material Declaration Data.