Info Trackers

  Create an Info Tracker

The ENOVIA Design Engineer role and access to the part are required to create an Info Tracker.

Single Info Tracker

To create an Info Tracker:

  1. Access the part requiring an Info Tracker.

  1. Click Info Trackers on the Part Category Tree.

The part: Info Trackers page displays all Info Trackers related to the part.

  1. Click on the page tool bar.

  2. Select Create New.

The Create Info Tracker window displays.

  1. Select the required Info Tracker Type using the pulldown list.

  1. Click .

The Info Tracker is created and is displayed on the part: Info Trackers page.

Multiple Info Trackers

To create Info Trackers of the same Type for each part in a Collection:

  1. Follow procedure to add parts to a Collection.

  2. Access the Collection with the parts that require Info Trackers.

  3. Use the check boxes to select parts.

  4. Click on the Content of: Collection page tool bar.

  5. Select Create Info Tracker.

The Create Info Tracker window displays.

  1. Select the required Info Tracker Type using the pulldown list.

Only one Type of Info Tracker may be created at a time for the selected parts.

  1. Click .

The Collections window is displayed.

The new Info Trackers are displayed with each part. See View Info Trackers.