
  Cost Reporting Criteria

The criteria set in the Create Cost Report window determine what costs are rolled up for the report.


In the Primary Preferences area of the Create Cost Report window, select a Cost Provider and a Location/Subsupplier.

The Location/Subsupplier should be the Cost Family for your project. If you are using costs from a predecessor project, if the costs are specific to a location or subsupplier, or if the costs were entered without regard to Cost Family, the Location/Subsupplier may be different.

NOTE:     A Cost Provider with a Location/Subsupplier that is blank, only searches for costs for that cost provider with a blank Location/Subsupplier field.

Using the defined order of Primary Preferences, when costs with a specified Cost Provider / Location/Subsupplier combination are found, the system then searches those costs for your Secondary Preferences.

Secondary Preferences define the Cost Value Type to report.

When a cost that meets the Primary and Secondary Preferences is found for a part in the BOM, the latest revision of the cost is included in the report.

The If No Preferred Cost Is Found, Use The Default Cost check box may be checked to include a part Default cost when no other cost for your criteria is found.

The Default cost of a part may not be applicable to your project or time frame. If Default costs are to be used, be sure to look at the Cost Family in the Location/Subsupplier report field to determine the origin of the included costs.


If no costs are found for a part, an error for that part is logged in the report.

  1. The total number of parts with no costs is noted at the top of the report.

  2. A separate "Error" report is generated and lists those parts that do not have a cost that was included in the cost report.

Enter Cost Report Comments to identify the report.


Save Cost Report Criteria

Complex criteria may be used to create cost reports.

The preferences you set in the Create Cost Report window may be saved and retrieved for your future use or for use by other cost analysts that are members of the RDO of the context part in which you created and saved the preferences.


To save cost reporting preferences:

  1. Navigate to the desired assembly part.

  2. Access the EBOM PowerView, EBOMs or Flat BOM tab, or the Costs page of the part.

See View Part Costs.

  1. Click on the EBOMs tab tool bar or click on the Flat BOM tab or Costs page tool bar.

  1. Select Create Indented BOM Cost Report or Create Flat BOM Cost Report.

The Create Cost Report window displays.

  1. Set the criteria for the costs you wish to roll up.

See Cost Reporting Criteria, above.

  1. Click on the Create Cost Report window page tool bar.

The Save Preference window displays.

  1. Enter a Preference Name (required).

Be as explicit as possible in the Preference Name to help differentiate complex preferences.

  1. Click Done.

The set of preferences is saved and will be available for reporting on this port.


Use Saved Cost Report Criteria

Any cost analyst who is a member of the part RDO may use cost reporting preferences that are saved for the part.

  1. Navigate to the desired assembly part.

  2. Access the EBOM PowerView, EBOMs or Flat BOM tab, or the Costs page of the part.

See View Part Costs.

  1. Click on the EBOMs tab tool bar or click on the Flat BOM tab or Costs page tool bar.

  1. Select Create Indented BOM Cost Report or Create Flat BOM Cost Report.

The Create Cost Report window displays.

  1. Click on the Create Cost Report window page tool bar.

The Saved Preferences window displays.

  1. Use a radio button to select a saved set of preferences.

  2. Click Done to load the preferences into the Create Cost Report window.