
  The Collaborator Panel

Collaborator is accessed on many ENOVIA object Properties pages and on lists of objects:

The Collaborator panel displays on the right of the ENOVIA screen or in a new window:



Collaboration Members

If Collaborator has been previously used, ENOVIA user names are retained under Name and Company.

To view only those people you have selected, select the Show Selected Only check box.

This may be helpful with a long list of collaboration members to ensure you select everyone you intend.


To include new members in the Collaborator panel:

  1. Click .

The Add Member text box appears above Name and Company.

The Hide link removes the Add Member text box.

  1. Begin typing the first or last name of the person you wish to add.

A drop down list of potential matches for the letters you typed appears. You may type more letters of the person's name to narrow the list options.

You may type a person's first name, last name, or full name in "Last, First Name" format.

To add "John Smith," type:

Do not type:

  1. Select a name on the drop down list -- use the cursor keys and press Enter on your computer keyboard or point and click with your mouse.

The selected name appears above the Add Member text box. Click the X next to a name to remove.

You may repeat this procedure to find more names.

  1. Click to insert the Add Member names in Collaborator.

The names are listed under Name and Company.

Once people are added to the Collaborator, selection of participants for the current collaboration is still required.


Collaboration Objects

The objects selected in the ENOVIA main window are displayed at the bottom of the Collaborator panel.

A Discussion may only be connected to a single object.

View Existing Collaboration

Access the Collaborator as described above.