Getting Started

  Bookmark ENOVIA PLM and Resources

To bookmark ENOVIA:

  1. Right click on this link:

The address may be typed or pasted in the browser address bar and then saved as a Favorite/Bookmark using your browser's commands.

  1. Click "Add to Favorites..."

NOTE:    You can NOT bookmark the ENOVIA login page and successfully log-in using that bookmark.

When you log-in to ENOVIA, you are logging-in through Lexmark's single-sign-on (SSO) portal. The SSO login page intercepts any attempts to reach an ENOVIA web page and insures that you have provided your username and password. When you provide these credentials, it redirects your browser to the page that you were attempting to reach in the first place.

When you bookmark the log-in page, you are actually bookmarking the SSO portal page. So, when you use that bookmark and log-in later, the SSO application does not know to redirect your browser to ENOVIA, and you receive an error message.

Bookmark Lexmark PLM Help for ENOVIA

To bookmark Lexmark PLM Help for ENOVIA:

For assistance in using the Lexmark PLM Help, see

  1. Right click on this link:

The address may be typed or pasted in the browser address bar and then saved as a Favorite/Bookmark using your browser's commands.

  1. Click "Add to Favorites..."

NOTE:    You can NOT bookmark the Lexmark PLM Help login page and successfully log-in using that bookmark.

When you log-in to Lexmark PLM Help, you are logging-in through Lexmark's single-sign-on (SSO) portal. The SSO login page intercepts any attempts to reach Lexmark PLM Help and insures that you have provided your username and password. When you provide these credentials, it redirects your browser to the page that you were attempting to reach in the first lace.

When you bookmark the log-in page, you are actually bookmarking the SSO portal page. So, when you use that bookmark and log-in later, the SSO application does not know where to redirect your browser, and you receive an error message.

Access and Bookmark the PLM User Community in Innovate

Innovate is a collaboration and communication tool for Lexmark.


Important news, training presentations, and conversations about PLM with questions and answers are included in the PLM User Community.

NOTE:     The PLM User Community is only available to internal Lexmark users.


The PLM User Community web site is:


To bookmark the PLM User Community: